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This standard applies to bags used to package electronic devices and assemblies. It does not address bags for volatile materials, chemicals, explosives, or munitions. NOTE: Some bag applications may require the consideration of additional material or cleanliness controls, including particle level, nonvolatile residue, ionic substances, outgassing, or polycarbonate stress. These parameters are beyond the scope of this standard.
Author | ESD |
Editor | ESD |
Document type | Standard |
Format | File |
Confirmation date | 2013-04-24 |
ICS | 17.220.20 : Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities
Year | 2013 |
Document history | |
Country | USA |
Keyword | ANSI 11;ANSI/ESD S 11;ANSI/ESD 11;11;ANSI/ESD S11.4-2013 |