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VDI 2268 Blatt 2:1990-02 (R2017)

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VDI 2268 Blatt 2:1990-02 (R2017)

Chemical analysis of particulate matter; determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium in dust emissions by atomic absorption spectrometry after separation of their volatile hydrides

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This guideline describes a method for determining the fraction of the elements arsenic, antimony and selenium in dust emissions, for instance from waste incinerators, firing equipment, metal smelteries, metal processing and cement plants. The determination is carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after separating these elements as volatile hydrides.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2017-10-01
ICS 13.040.30 : Workplace atmospheres
Number of pages 12
Replace VDI 2268 Blatt 2 (1987-10)
Set CD-ROM TA Luft Einzelplatzversion-2002,CD-ROM TA Luft Einzelplatzversion-2006,DIN-VDI-TAB 334-1999,VDI/DIN-Handbuch Reinhaltung der Luft Band 4
Year 1990
Document history VDI 2268 Blatt 2 (1990-02)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2268;2268