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VDI 2740 Blatt 3:1999-05 (R2016)

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VDI 2740 Blatt 3:1999-05 (R2016)

Mechanical devices for automation equipment - Mechanisms for partially synchronised motion

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The document aims as giving the designer a tool to design planar mechanisms for generating partially synchronized motion. Mechanisms for generating partially synchronized motion or synchromechanisms can partly or complety replace freely programmable robots as low-cost alternative in the asssembling and handling technique. Additionally characteristic paprameter to assess such mechanisms shall be defined, and a collection of examples has been prepared which enables the choice of mechanisms usable for a certain purpose.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2016-05-01
ICS 21.200 : Gears
25.040.30 : Industrial robots. Manipulators
Number of pages 35
Replace VDI 2740 Blatt 3 (1996-08)
Set VDI-Handbuch Getriebetechnik I
Year 1990
Document history VDI 2740 Blatt 3 (1999-05)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2740;2740