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VDI 2722:2003-08 (R2014)

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VDI 2722:2003-08 (R2014)

Cardan shafts and cardan shaft lines - Homokinematic mechanisms

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The document will be concerned solely with cardan shafts and cardan shaft lines which contain universal joints. Cardan shafts consist of a drive shaft, a universal joint and an output shaft. Cardan shaft lines have more than two universal joints. The aim of this guideline is to outline from the kinematic point of view the possibilities for connecting universal-joint mechanisms in series and to describe the conitions for a homokinematic transmission of movement between the driving and driven shafts of cardan shafts and cardan shaft lines.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2014-08-01
ICS 21.120.10 : Shafts
Number of pages 37
Replace VDI 2722 (1982-03)
Set VDI-Handbuch Getriebetechnik I
Year 2003
Document history VDI 2722 (2003-08)
Country Germany
Keyword 2722