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VDI 2262 Blatt 4:2006-03 (R2016)

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VDI 2262 Blatt 4:2006-03 (R2016)

Workplace air - Reduction of exposure to air pollutants - Capture of air pollutants

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This guideline deals with the dimensioning and design of equipment for the capture of air pollutants generated during the production, treatment and transportation of goods and products, and which are emitted into the air. The measures described and recommended can be applied to both, annoying and harmful substances. For the purposes of this guideline, this refers to all gases, vapours, fogs, smokes, and dusts released in the course of a production process. Equipment for the separation and removal of deposited substances are not treated in this guideline.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2016-12-01
ICS 13.040.30 : Workplace atmospheres
Number of pages 114
Replace VDI 2262 Blatt 4 (2004-03)
Set VDI-Handbuch Fabrikplanung und -betrieb Band 1,VDI-Handbuch Management und Sicherheit in der Umwelttechnik,VDI/DIN-Handbuch Reinhaltung der Luft Band 6
Year 2006
Document history VDI 2262 Blatt 4 (2006-03)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2262;2262