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VDI 3469 Blatt 6:2008-01

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VDI 3469 Blatt 6:2008-01

Emission control - Production and processing of fibrous materials - Mineral wool insulating materials

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The present guideline deals with mineral wool insulating materials and only applies in connection with guideline VDI 3469 Part 1. The term mineral wool covers glass wool and rock wool. According to EU Directive 97/69/EC and German hazardous substance law, mineral wool is defined as follows: Man-made mineral vitreous (silicate) fibres with random orientation and a mass content of over 18 % of oxides of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and barium. Glass wool and rock wool fibres belong to the class of man-made, inorganic, vitreous (amorphous) fibres and wools. The present guideline applies to: plants for production of mineral wool fibres (glass wool and rock wool fibres) from silicate melts; plants for coating, impregnation or lamination of glass or rock wool fibres, including the associated drying equipment; plants for production of mineral wool insulating materials in the form of mats, felts, slabs, shaped pieces and acoustic ceiling tiles; the finishing and processing of mineral wool insulating material. Processes for production of silicate melts in glass troughs or cupola furnaces do not fall within the scope of this guideline. As far as glass trough operation is concerned, such processes are covered by guideline VDI 2578. The production of silicate melts in cupola furnaces is described in detail in the IPPC Reference document on the best available techniques in the glass industry

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.040.40 : Stationary source emissions
Number of pages 26
Replace VDI 3457 (1994-09)
Set VDI/DIN-Handbuch Reinhaltung der Luft Band 3
Year 2008
Document history VDI 3469 Blatt 6 (2008-01)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3469;3469