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VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 2.1:2011-10 (R2017)

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VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 2.1:2011-10 (R2017)

Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - Methods for the determination of measurement uncertainty - Notes to a practical approach

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The guideline describes a procedure with a practical orientation for the determination of the uncertainty of measurements of electrical cuantities. The described procedures are based on the preparation and usage of in electro-technology admitted alternate circuit diagrams, block diagrams or Ishikawa-diagrams. Based on this, the guideline describes relevant characteristics and their determination. Furthermore, it describes tables, which can be easily used to determine the uncertainty of measurement as well as the extended uncertainty of measurement. The gudeline supplements VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Part 2.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2017-10-01
ICS 17.220.20 : Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities
Number of pages 15
Replace VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 2.1 (2010-09)
Modify VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 2 (2003-05)
Set VDI/VDE-Handbuch Fertigungsmesstechnik,VDI/VDE-Handbuch Prozessmesstechnik und Strukturanalyse
Year 2011
Document history VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 2.1 (2011-10)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI/DKD 2622;VDI/DKD 2622 Blatt 2.1;VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622;2622