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VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 3.1:2011-12

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VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 3.1:2011-12

Measurement of mechanical quantities - Instructions for the calibration of test units for spring band hose clamps

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The guideline describes the calibration of 4-chanel force-measurement systems, which are used for determination of radial stresses and their distributions at spring band clamps. The structure of the force-measurement system is described. Beyond that the necessary steps for the calibration and the documentation of the results are described. The guideline is valid for the static power measurement for the determination of the force distribution of the four concentrated loads of spring band clamps. On the basis of DIN EN ISO 7500-1, procedures are described for calibrating 4-channel force measuring devices. The guideline is valid in conjunction with DIN EN ISO 7500-1.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2018-10-31
ICS 17.100 : Measurement of force, weight and pressure
Number of pages 12
Replace VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 3.1 (2010-06)
Set VDI/VDE-Handbuch Fertigungsmesstechnik,VDI-Handbuch Produktionstechnik und Fertigungsverfahren Band 3
Year 2011
Document history VDI/VDE 2624 Blatt 3.1 (2011-12)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2624;VDI 2624 Blatt 3.1;VDI/VDE 2624;2624