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VDI/BV-BS 6205 Blatt 1:2012-04 (R2018)

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VDI/BV-BS 6205 Blatt 1:2012-04 (R2018)

Lifting inserts and lifting systems for precast concrete elements - Principles, design, applications - General principles

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This guideline is valid for the production, placing on the market, design and application of lifting inserts and lifting systems for the lifting and handling of precast concrete elements. Lifting systems consist of a lifting insert permanently anchored in the precast concrete component and the corresponding lifting accessory and sling gear which are temporarily attached to the insert.It describes the general principles and requirements for the safety of lifting inserts and its fields of applications.Lifting inserts and lifting systems are usually used to lift and handle precast concrete components. They must demonstrate an appropriate degree of reliability. For this purpose they must sustain all actions which arise during the lifting and handling processes and during installation of the precast element on site without failing and transfer all actions into the precast concrete component.The technical provisions of this guideline do not exclude other national or European regulations and specifications which ensure an at least equal safety level.This guideline is valid for lifting inserts and lifting systems, independently of whether they were developed and produced for a specific application or produced and placed on the market in series.The repeated use of lifting inserts in the event of different application as for example during the lifting and handling of crane weights as well as for permanent use are not covered by this guideline.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2018-07-01
ICS 21.060.99 : Other fasteners
91.100.30 : Concrete and concrete products
Number of pages 16
Replace VDI/BV-BS 6205 Blatt 1 (2010-07)
Set VDI-Handbuch Bautechnik
Year 2012
Document history VDI/BV-BS 6205 Blatt 1 (2012-04)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI/BV-BS 6205;6205