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VDI 4445:2012-09

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VDI 4445:2012-09

Recommended contents of compliance and safety manuals for crane operation

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Cranes are used in many areas of material flow, transport of goods and assembly. A good general education of the crane operator is essential to their safe operation. When required by the operating conditions or the works to be carried out, the entrepreneur is obliged to prepare operation instructions for the use of cranes. The guideline helps the entrepreneur to develop the necessary instructions particularly considering crane operations. An example shows how such operating instructions can look like.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 53.020.20 : Cranes
Number of pages 4
Replace VDI 4445 (2001-10)
Set VDI-Handbuch Technische Logistik Band 1
Year 2012
Document history VDI 4445 (2012-09)
Country Germany
Keyword 4445