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VDI 6225 Blatt 1:2012-09 (R2017)

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VDI 6225 Blatt 1:2012-09 (R2017)

Biomimetics - Biomimetic information processing

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The goal of this guideline is to present bionic information processing to interested scientists and engineers as an alternative approach for solving information processing problems in technical systems. Bionic information processing is modeled on biological information processing. This guideline concentrates on the aspects of bionic information processing that are relevant to applications. Bionic information processing is the technical implementation of the information processing systems of relevant biological mechanisms and structural principles of organisms and their nervous systems. Therefore the goal is to analyze, understand, and abstract the interaction and method of operation of biological sensors, nerves, and the skeletal muscle system (actuator system) and to make them accessible to technology. The results can come in the form of algorithms that can be used in software or structural insights that can then be implemented in hardware. The guideline discusses the various aspects with the help of examples.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
Confirmation date 2017-01-01
ICS 07.080 : Biology. Botany. Zoology
35.240.01 : Application of information technology in general
Number of pages 28
Replace VDI 6225 (2010-11)
Set VDI-Handbuch Bionik
Year 2012
Document history VDI 6225 Blatt 1 (2012-09)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 6225;6225