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VDI 4206 Blatt 4:2013-08

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VDI 4206 Blatt 4:2013-08

Performance criteria and test procedures for measuring devices for monitoring emissions at small firing installations - Measuring devices for the determination of moisture of lumpy wood

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This standard specifies performance criteria and test procedures for checking compliance with these performance criteria on portable devices for measuring moisture of lumpy wood according to the German Ordinance on Small and Medium Firing Installations (1. BImSchV). It applies to all performance tests of measuring devices for the measurement of moisture of lumpy wood in form of natural finished split logs (split or non-split, sawn, planed, with or without bark) used as fuel in small firing installations. Furthermore, this standard specifies the requirements on test institutes and explains the declaration of suitable measuring devices. This standard is addressed to manufactures of measuring devices for monitoring emissions at small firing installations, to test institutes performing performance tests of such measuring devices, and to the authorities responsible for the declaration of suitability. Furthermore, it assists users of performance-tested measuring devices for monitoring emissions at small firing installations in the operation of these devices. Bodies for periodic testing of performance tested measuring devices may use this standard as an additional source of information.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.040.20 : Ambient atmospheres
13.040.40 : Stationary source emissions
Number of pages 20
Replace VDI 4206 Blatt 4 (2012-06)
Set Schornsteinfeger ZIV Ausgabe-2012,Schornsteinfegerhandwerk zds-1998,VDI/DIN-Handbuch Reinhaltung der Luft Band 5
Year 2013
Document history VDI 4206 Blatt 4 (2013-08)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 4206;4206