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VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 4:2014-06

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VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 4:2014-06

Form measurement - Determination of the radial spindle deviation

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The standard defines a procedure for the determination and documentation of changes in metrological properties of a form measuremnt system at its site. The procedure is suitable for acceptance testing as well as for the monitoring of the measuring stability of form measuring systems. Documentation of the test results allows the detection of changes in metrological properties of the form measuremnt system, e.g. because of climatic conditions or vibrations, quickly identify and take measures to improve the measuring conditions or troubleshooting.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 17.040.01 : Linear and angular measurements in general
19.060 : Mechanical testing
Number of pages 8
Replace VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 4 (1999-09)
Set VDI/VDE-Handbuch Fertigungsmesstechnik,VDI-Handbuch Produktionstechnik und Fertigungsverfahren Band 1
Year 2014
Document history VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 4 (2014-06)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2631;VDI 2631 Blatt 4;VDI/VDE 2631;2631