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VDI 4075 Blatt 6:2014-10

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VDI 4075 Blatt 6:2014-10

Cleaner production (PIUS) - Dairies

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Dairies in Germany annually process about 30 million tonnes of milk products such as drinking milk, butter, cheese, and sour milk products. The biggest challenge in the forthcoming years is to meet the world´s growing demand for food of animal origin, and at the same time to minimise the environmental impact of food production. In order to improve the efficiency and environmentally-friendly dairy processing, the practitioners need in addition to information a methodological tool. The standard describes an applicable procedure for the promotion of cleaner production (PIUS) in dairies. This standard allows for a detailed assessment of production steps as well as the overall process in dairies. It is designed in such a way that a reference to operational management systems (quality, environment, occupational health and safety) can be made easily.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.020.01 : Environment and environmental protection in general
65.040.10 : Livestock buildings, installations and equipment
Number of pages 27
Replace VDI 4075 Blatt 6 (2013-06)
Set VDI-Handbuch Produktionstechnik und Fertigungsverfahren Band 1,VDI-Handbuch Ressourcenmanagement in der Umwelttechnik
Year 2014
Document history VDI 4075 Blatt 6 (2014-10)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 4075;4075