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VDI 3895 Blatt 2:2014-11

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VDI 3895 Blatt 2:2014-11

Emission control - Installations for cooking and heat-treating foods - Processing potatoes into semi-finished or finished products

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The standard deals with emissions from thermal treatment of potatoes for the production of potato products serving not only as food but also as a chemical raw material. It describes the product manufacturing in the industrial sector in terms of resulting emissions to the atmosphere and their prevention and control options according to the state of the art. The standard also describes material flows as well as internal measures to prevent and control emissions.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 13.040.40 : Stationary source emissions
67.260 : Plants and equipment for the food industry
Number of pages 60
Replace VDI 3895 Blatt 2 (1997-10)
Set VDI/DIN-Handbuch Reinhaltung der Luft Band 3
Year 2014
Document history VDI 3895 Blatt 2 (2014-11)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3895;3895