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VDI 6026 Blatt 1.1:2015-04

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VDI 6026 Blatt 1.1:2015-04

Documentation in the building services - Contents and format of planning, execution and review documents - Requirements to be met by the documentation to satisfy the needs of the FM

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The requirements to be met by a building during all stages of its lifecycle (development and planning, execution, use, liquidation/demolition) must be taken into account during the development and planning stage. To this end, this standard details the demands of the facility management to be satisfied by the documentation as per VDI 6026 Part 1. The standard stipulates requirements to be met by the contents of that documentation required, during the lifecycle of the building, in order to implement a facility management. It does not define FM-minded planning as such.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 91.140.01 : Installations in buildings in general
Number of pages 15
Replace VDI 6026 Blatt 1.1 (2014-01)
Set VDI-Handbuch Architektur,VDI-Handbuch Aufzugstechnik,VDI-Handbuch Elektrotechnik und Gebäudeautomation,VDI-Handbuch Facility-Management,VDI-Handbuch Raumlufttechnik,VDI-Handbuch Sanitärtechnik,VDI-Handbuch Wärme-/Heiztechnik
Year 2015
Document history VDI 6026 Blatt 1.1 (2015-04)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 6026;6026