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VDI 3405 Blatt 3:2015-12

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VDI 3405 Blatt 3:2015-12

Additive manufacturing processes, rapid manufacturing - Design rules for part production using laser sintering and laser beam melting

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Additive manufacturing processes have their origin in prototyping and are commonly known as rapid prototyping. Currently the properties of additively manufactured parts are good enough to be used as final products. Thus, additive manufacturing processes provide an additional manufacturing option besides conventional methods. They have the potential to reduce production time and costs while increasing functionality. Each manufacturing process has its specific advantages and disadvantages. These are well known with conventional manufacturing processes. Thus, they are taken into consideration adequately during the construction of devices and when choosing the actual manufacturing process. This treasure trove of experience is fairly available with additive manufacturing processes. This standard provides a base to consider additive manufacturing as an option to produce parts for specific purposes. It addresses design and production engineers. This standard described the specific characteristics of additive manufacturing processes and gives detailed and specific constructive recommendations for laser sintering of polymer parts and for beam melting of metallic parts.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 25.030 : Additive manufacturing
Number of pages 32
Replace VDI 3405 Blatt 3 (2015-02)
Cross references ISO/ASTM DIS 52911-1 (2017-11), NEQ
Year 2015
Document history VDI 3405 Blatt 3 (2015-12)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3405;3405