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VDI 2728 Blatt 2:2016-03

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VDI 2728 Blatt 2:2016-03

Solution of motion problems using symmetrical coupler curves - Problems of guidance - straight line

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The standard provides support in the dimension synthesis of straight guide gear which have a mirror-symmetric coupler curve. The theoretical maximum of six possible points of intersection of a straight line with a coupler curve can be made usable under this symmetry condition with relatively little effort to interpret a straight guide transmission. The dimensions shown in the nomograms provide a quick overview of eligible solutions; for a straight guide defined by length and deviation, the dimensions of the transmission of the solution can be found there. The properties of a transmission, such as the straight guide quality, size, or the angle of transmission, are expressed by parameters, which are plotted as curves in the nomograms. If needed, read transmission parameters can be calculated with increased accuracy on the basis of the enclosed formulary, which comply with the conditions of the Chebyshev approximation.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 21.200 : Gears
Number of pages 35
Replace VDI 2728 Blatt 2 (2014-07)
Year 2016
Document history VDI 2728 Blatt 2 (2016-03)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2728;2728