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VDI 5586 Blatt 1:2016-04

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VDI 5586 Blatt 1:2016-04

In-plant milk-run systems - Basics, design and practical examples

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The standard deals with so-called 'in-plant milk-run systems', which are used as internal transport systems. It is an in-house transport system, which moves bundled units in transport (as a train). It usually consists of a tractor with several trailers and based on a transport concept in a plant, where suppling- and/or disposal-points are situated along (one or more) defined routes. The route consists of sources and sinks as stops on the route (e.g. an assembly line). The standard establishes a basic understanding of the system and can be used as a decision support in designing and dimensioning of in-plant milk-run systems. It also contains practical examples of in-plant milk-run systems, which can serve as suggestions in the resolution of planning tasks.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2016-09-30
ICS 53.060 : Industrial trucks
Number of pages 24
Year 2016
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 5586;5586