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VDI/VDE 3516 Blatt 3:2016-07

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VDI/VDE 3516 Blatt 3:2016-07

Validation in GxP-area - Alternative software development models and development methods

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In this standard the following methods were selected and considered out of numerous methods of agile software development and project management that are applied today: scrum; extreme programming (XP); iterative conference room pilot (CRP, also referred to as 'rapid prototyping'); model driven architecture (MDA). To determine whether the methods chosen are suitable for software development in the healthcare and life science industries, each method is compared with the documentation required according to the GAMP® 5 life cycle documents. By assigning the method-specific documents to these general categories, it is possible to evaluate the applicability of each method in a GxP-regulated environment. The detailed methods description and assignment to these categories can be found in Annex A to Annex D of the standard. From this information, the applicability of the methods for validated systems was extracted and executed.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 25.040.40 : Industrial process measurement and control
35.080 : Software
Number of pages 36
Replace VDI/VDE 3516 Blatt 3 (2015-03)
Year 2016
Document history VDI/VDE 3516 Blatt 3 (2016-07)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3516;VDI 3516 Blatt 3;VDI/VDE 3516;3516