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VDI 2736 Blatt 1:2016-07

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VDI 2736 Blatt 1:2016-07

Thermoplastic gear wheels - Materials, material selection, production methods, production tolerances, form design

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The standard describes specific characteristics of polymeric gear materials as well as manufacture, testing and design of thermoplastic gear wheels. The most important properties of polymer materials are presented in an executive summary. In addition to information on the microstructure, typical material and physical characteristics, additional reference values are given for the thermal limitations of use.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 21.200 : Gears
83.080.20 : Thermoplastic materials
Number of pages 73
Replace VDI 2545 (1981-01, t)
Year 2016
Document history VDI 2736 Blatt 1 (2016-07)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2736;2736