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VDI 2221 Blatt 2:2018-03

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VDI 2221 Blatt 2:2018-03

Design of technical products and systems - Structuring of individual product development processes

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The standard describes the derivation from the logic of the model of product design described in VDI 2221 Part 1 into a specific product design process. The general model presented in VDI 2221 Part 1 is based on a systematic sequence of product design in which the development activity is divided into logical phases which differ in their objectives, activities, degree of maturity and extent. In this way, this model abstracts a real design process. Iterations or the simultaneous execution of different activities are not shown. To implement a real design process, the consideration of specific context factors is necessary. Context factors are the factors that influence the product development and must therefore be taken into account when designing the development process. In the specific context of a company, the objectives, activities and results of product design processes can be different, but they can be derived from the general 'model of product design' through appropriate concretion.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2018-05-31
ICS 03.100.40 : Research and development
Number of pages 22
Year 2018
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 2221;2221