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VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3:2018-07

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VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3:2018-07

Additive manufacturing processes, rapid manufacturing - Beam melting of metallic parts - Characterisation of powder feedstock

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Experience with the industrial use of additive manufacturing shows that identically specified powder orders can lead to various more or less suitable powder deliveries. This standard describes procedures and techniques providing relevant data for powder characterisation. This helps to improve the reproducibility and the process reliability of the entire additive manufacturing process chain. This standard is aimed at producers and users of metal powders to be processed in powder bed-based additive manufacturing units using e.g. laser beam melting (also called powder bed fusion) or electron beam melting (EBM). It also addresses specialists for quality control of parts produced by additive manufacturing as well as suppliers of measurement and testing equipment to characterise metal powders.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 25.030 : Additive manufacturing
Number of pages 17
Replace VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3 (2017-07)
Year 2018
Document history VDI 3405 Blatt 2.3 (2018-07)
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3405;3405