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VDI 3679 Blatt 3:2018-09

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VDI 3679 Blatt 3:2018-09

Wet separators - Mist eliminators

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This standard deals with procedures for the separation of drops from gases drawing the difference between solid and fluid particles from wet separators (e.g. in cooling towers, evaporation processes or building ventilation) and fluid particles from mist or aerosol separators (drop size order of magnitude µm). Special importance is given to the subsequent section on drop measurement procedures because no standardised drop measurement procedures have existed so far. Practicable measurement procedures are described which are often the basis for guarantee agreements. The current state of the art is documented in a compilation of construction designs and examples of existing drop and mist separators. The standard is completed by a section on rinsing and scrubbing installations. It is closed by details on the performance guarantees, operation and maintenance of mist eliminators. The Draft VDI Standard Revision updates the content of the standard.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2018-12-31
ICS 13.040.40 : Stationary source emissions
13.060.99 : Other standards related to water quality
Number of pages 4
Modify VDI 3679 Blatt 3 (2010-06)
Year 2018
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3679;3679