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VDI-MT 5900 Blatt 1:2018-09

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VDI-MT 5900 Blatt 1:2018-09

Experts in automotive and road transport - Basics

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The number of vehicles (cars and trailers) registered in Germany has never been higher and has grown steadily in the past: While 56.1 million vehicles were registered in January 2010, this figure had risen to 62.6 million by January 2017. Therefore, starting with the first appearance of motor vehicles, the state has established a system of legal regulations and further safety measures to ensure road safety. In this system, experts for motor vehicles and road traffic play an indispensable and safety-decisive role, for example by carrying out technical vehicle inspections and drivers license tests. They also analyse and reconstruct road accidents and, last but not least, assess and evaluate vehicles and vehicle damage. These examples illustrate the great diversity and the high social importance of the range of activities of experts in motor vehicles and road transport. The standard sets out the competences which experts should have after completion of their (competence) training and explains how to proceed in the preparation of the follow-up parts to the series of standards for the specific fields of activity of experts. The standard is addressed to experts in the field of motor vehicles and road transport, unless there are legal provisions for individual fields of activity of the experts. As far as legal regulations exist, the standard can serve as a basis for the further development of the requirement profiles of the experts as well as their training and further education. Specifications for different areas of the automotive expert system are to be supplemented in separate standards.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2018-12-31
ICS 03.160 : Law. Administration
03.220.20 : Road transport
43.020 : Road vehicles in general
Number of pages 18
Year 2018
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword VDI-MT 5900;5900