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VDI 3469 Blatt 6:2018-12

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VDI 3469 Blatt 6:2018-12

Emission control - Production and processing of fibrous materials - Mineral wool insulating materials

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This standard describes the production and processing of mineral wool insulating materials and applies only in conjunction with VDI 3469 Part 1. The standard describes the production and processing as well as the disposal of such products focusing on emission control. Mineral wool insulating materials are widely used for heat, cold and noise insulation as well as for fire protection. Typical products from mineral wool insulating materials are mineral wool mats, felts, mineral wool panels, mineral wool mouldings, acoustic ceiling tiles, half-finished products for industrial subsequent treatment. Other products are mineral wool plaits braided on the outside with wire and loose mineral wool, e.g. for substrate layers for plants. Mineral wool products are installed for heat insulation, mainly behind joint less claddings or structural elements. Furthermore to increase the noise insulation and damping of suspended ceilings, also in the form of cavity damping above suspended ceilings. They are also built in as infill in lightweight construction to provide the required noise insulation and fire protection. For the footfall, airborne sound and heat insulation they are installed in floors and beneath floating screeds. VDI 3469 Part 1 contains all the information common to all sectors of industry, in respect of technology, reducing of emissions, measurement methods and literature references, so that the other parts have to be read in conjunction with VDI 3469 Part 1.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Norms amendments
Format File
expiration_de_validite 2019-03-31
ICS 13.040.40 : Stationary source emissions
91.100.60 : Thermal and sound insulating materials
Number of pages 15
Year 2018
Document history
Country Germany
Keyword VDI 3469;3469