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VDI 6050:2017-12

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VDI 6050:2017-12

Assessing the sustainability of the built environment - Training of professionals

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In Germany the sustainable quality of buildings is increasingly verified in form of so called green building certifications. To successfully label a building, the participation of various stakeholders in the preparation of supporting documentation is required. Comprehension of the professionals involved for each green building requirements and their documentation requirements are an essential part of a successful certification process. The training concept includes the four currently particularly relevant green building certification systems in Germany: BNB, BREEAM, DGNB and LEED. The standard applies to trainings for the purpose of training specialists in architecture, civil engineering, facility management and building services as well as builders and project managers. The trainings contain the assessment of the sustainability of the built environment in the context of certification systems. This is related to new certifications (focus on office and administration buildings). The contents of the system-specific component certificates are not included in the standard. The mediated knowledge supports the protagonists in the processing of the required documentation in each building certificate.

Author VDI
Editor VDI
Document type Standard
Format File
ICS 03.100.30 : Management of human resources
91.040.01 : Buildings in general
Number of pages 26
Replace VDI 6050 (2015-08)
Year 2017
Document history VDI 6050 (2017-12)
Country Germany
Keyword 6050