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BS PD CEN/TS 17241:2019: illustrates quality and performance criteria, and approaches to their evaluation, for the operation oftraffic management systems, including factors affecting the effective integration of field and centresystems and services, and specifies a data model for system status and faults of components of traffic management systems.This document provides supporting information in a use case for the use of the quality and performancecriteria, considering design, procurement, and performance management.
Cross References:
EN 16157-1:2018
ISO/IEC 8824-1
prEN 16157-2:2017
ISO/IEC 8825-2
ISO 29281-1
ISO/IEC 9834-1
EN ISO 17419
ISO/IEC 8825-5
ISO 21218
ISO 5725-1
EN ISO/IEC 27001
ISO 31000
ISO 21215
ISO 24102-6
ISO/IEC 27005
EN ISO 17427-1
EN ISO 17423
ISO/IEC 25010
EN ISO/IEC 27002
CEN ISO/TS 19091
EN 15341
NF P 99071-1 (septembre 2002)
ISO 21500
ISO 10006
ISO 55000
EN 17007
ISO 21217
EN ISO 22301
EN ISO 9000:2015
ISO 21210
ISO 10015
prEN 16157-4
ISO 17515-3
ISO 10005
ISO/IEC 19505-1
ISO 10007
EN 16646
EN 16157 (all parts)
CEN/TR 17143
prEN 16157-5
All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document. Product Details
Published: 04/17/2019 ISBN(s): 9780539016338 Number of Pages: 70File Size: 1 file , 7.4 MB Product Code(s): 30380105, 30380105, 30380105 Note: This product is unavailable in United Kingdom