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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
ASQ/ISO 10004:2012 (R2014) Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring
ASQ/ISO 10018:2012 (R2014) Quality management - Guidelines on people involvement and competence
ASQ S 3:2012 (R2017) An attribute chain sampling program
ASQ/ISO 14066:2011 (R2014) Greenhouse gases - Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation teams and verification teams
ASQ Z 1.11:2011 (R2016) Quality management system standards - Requirements for education organizations
ASQ/ISO 14006:2011 (R2014) Environmental management systems - Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign
ASQ/ISO 10001:2007 (R2014) Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
ASQ/ISO/TS 16949:2009 (R2015) Quality management systems - Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations
ASQ/ISO 26000:2010 (R2011) Guidance on Social Responsibility
ASQ/ISO 10003:2007 (R2014) Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations
ISO/ASQ Q 10014:2006 Quality management systems - Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits
ASQ/ISO 14040:2006 (R2014) Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework