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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
ISO 11855-7:2019 Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 7: Input parameters for the energy calculation standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 11665-1:2019 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Air: radon-222 - Part 1: Origins of radon and its short-lived decay products and associated measurement methods standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 11274:2019 Soil quality - Determination of the water-retention characteristic - Laboratory methods standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 1087:2019 Terminology work and terminology science - Vocabulary standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 4489:2019 Hardmetals - Sampling and testing standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 4387:2019 Cigarettes - Determination of total and nicotine-free dry particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 3826-1:2019 Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components - Part 1: Conventional containers standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 28721-1:2019 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Glass-lined apparatus for process plants - Part 1: Quality requirements for apparatus, components, appliances and accessories standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 25177:2019 Soil quality - Field soil description standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 20186-3:2019 Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations - Specifications for pre-examination processes for venous whole blood - Part 3: Isolated circulating cell free DNA from plasma standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 20028-1:2019 Plastics - Thermoplastic polyester (TP) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specification standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019
ISO 19869:2019 Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions - Field testing methods for cookstoves standard by International Organization for Standardization, 10/01/2019