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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
AS 2550.15:2019 [ Current ] Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use, Part 15: Concrete placing equipment standard by Standards Australia, 01/21/2019
AS 5013.8.2:2019 [ Current ] Food microbiology, Method 8.2: Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae - Colony-count technique (ISO 21528-2:2017, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 01/18/2019
AS ISO 21001:2019 [ Current ] Educational organizations - Management systems for educational organizations - Requirements with guidance for use standard by Standards Australia, 01/25/2019
AS 3850.1:2015 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Prefabricated concrete elements, Part 1: General requirements Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/17/2019
AS 61048:2019 [ Current ] Auxiliaries for lamps - Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits - General safety requirements (IEC 61048:2015, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 01/17/2019
AS 1141.35:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 35: Detection of sugar contamination in concrete aggregates standard by Standards Australia, 01/21/2019
AS 1742.7:2016 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 7: Railway crossings Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/17/2019
AS 1141.18-1996 Amd 3:2018 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 18: Crushed particles in coarse aggregate derived from gravel Amendment by Standards Australia, 12/21/2018
AS 1141.34:2018 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 34: Organic impurities other than sugar standard by Standards Australia, 12/21/2018
AS 1670.4:2018 [ Current ] Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - System design, installation and commissioning, Part 4: Emergency warning and intercom systems standard by Standards Australia, 12/21/2018
AS 1141.31:2015 Amd 1:2018 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 31: Light particles Amendment by Standards Australia, 12/21/2018
AS 4688.1:2018 [ Current ] Furniture - Fixed height chairs, Part 1: Safety and general requirements standard by Standards Australia, 12/21/2018