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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
AS 1141.25.1-2003 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Part 25.1: Degradation factor - Source rock Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 5336:2019 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/28/2019
AS 1141.28:2014 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 28: Ball mill value Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.36:2017 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 36: Sulfur in metallurgical slag, crushed rock or other pavement materials Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.16-2007 Amd 2:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 16: Angularity number Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.20.1-2000 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 20.1: Average least dimensionDirect measurement (nominal size 10 mm and greater) Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.29:2014 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 29: Accelerated soundness index by reflux Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.25.2-2003 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 25.2: Degradation factor - Coarse aggregate Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.25.3-2003 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 25.3: Degradation factor - Fine aggregate Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 1141.23-2009 Amd 1:2019 [ Current ] Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 23: Los Angeles value Amendment by Standards Australia, 08/27/2019
AS 4817:2019 [ Current ] Earned value management in project and programme management (ISO 21508:2018, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 08/20/2019
AS 5144.3:2019 [ Current ] Industrial trucks - Safety requirements and verification, Part 3: Additional requirements for trucks with elevating operator position and trucks specifically designed to travel with elevated loads (ISO 36913:2016, MOD) standard by Standards Australia, 08/20/2019