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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
TAPPI T 411 om-10 Thickness (Caliper) of Paper, Paperboard, & Combined Board
TAPPI T 456 om-10 Tensile breaking strength of water-saturated paper and paperboard (?wet tensile strength?)
TAPPI T 432 cm-09 Water Absorbency of Bibulous Papers
Size Estimation Chart (Transparency) Developed from and based on the TAPPI Dirt Estimation Chart, this transparency is used to measure the size of spots, defects, or inclusions over the range of 0.02 to 5.00 square millimeters in paper and other industrial materials such as textiles or plastics.
VITA 46.9:2018 PMC/XMC Rear I/O Fabric Signal Mapping on 3U and 6U VPX Modules Standard
VITA 57.1:2019 FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) Standard
VITA 57.4:2018 FMC: FPGA Mezzanine Cards Base Standard - Next Generation
VITA 49.2:2017 VITA Radio Transport (VRT) Standard for Electromagnetic Spectrum: Signals and Applications
VITA 48.8:2017 Mechanical Standard for Electronic VPX Plug-in Modules Using Air Flow through Cooling
VITA 68.0:2017 VPX Compliance Channel Standard
VITA 51.2:2016 Physics of Failure Reliability Predictions