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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
TAPPI T 421 om:2012 Qualitative (including optical microscopic) analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating of paper
TAPPI T 252 om:2012 pH and electrical conductivity of hot water extracts of pulp, paper, and paperboard
TAPPI T 281 sp:2012 Open drum washer mat sampling technique
TAPPI T 464 om:2012 (R2018) Diffuse brightness of paper, paperboard and pulp (d/O) (ultraviolet level D65)
TAPPI T 211 om:2012 Ash in wood, pulp, paper and paperboard: combustion at 525 degrees C
TAPPI T 1212 sp:2012 Light sources for evaluating papers including those containing fluorescent whitening agents
TAPPI T 1214 sp:2012 Interrelation of reflectance, R0; reflectivity, R8; TAPPI opacity, C0.89; scattering, s; and absorption, k
TAPPI T 1217 sp:2012 Photometric linearity of optical properties instruments
TAPPI T 1218 sp:2012 Calibration of reflectance standards for hemispherical geometry
TAPPI T 240 om:2012 Consistency (concentration) of pulp suspensions
TAPPI T 212 om:2012 (R2018) One percent sodium hydroxide solubility of wood and pulp
TAPPI T 802 om:2012 Drop test for fiberboard shipping containers