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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI/VDE 3519 Blatt 9:2012-12 Level Measurement - Capacitve and admittance methods
VDI 3867 Blatt 6:2012-12 (R2018) Measurement of particles in ambient air - Determination of the particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols - Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI)
VDI 6008 Blatt 1:2012-12 Barrier-free buildings - Requirements and fundamentals
VDI 6008 Blatt 2:2012-12 Barrier-free buildings - Aspects of sanitary installation
VDI/NCG 5210 Blatt 3:2012-12 Test guideline and test workpiece for the water jet cutting technology - Water jet cutting - Test workpiece for micro water jet cutting
VDI 6220 Blatt 1:2012-12 Biomimetics - Conception and strategy - Differences between biomimetic and conventional methods/products
VDI 6025:2012-11 Economy calculation systems for capital goods and plants
VDI 2262 Blatt 2:2012-11 (R2017) Workplace air - Reduction of exposure to air pollutants - Processing and organisation measures
VDI 3677 Blatt 3:2012-11 Filtering-separators - High-temperature gas filtration
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.1:2012-11 Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Determination of reimbursable costs of heat generation by CHP systems
VDI 4075 Blatt 4:2012-11 Cleaner Production (PIUS) - Printing (sheet-fed offset)
VDI 3894 Blatt 2:2012-11 (R2018) Emissions from and impacts of livestock operations - Method to determine separation distances - Odour