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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI/VDE 2657 Blatt 1:2013-01 Middleware in industrial automation - Fundamentals
VDI 2896:2013-01 Controlling of maintenance within plant management
VDI 3898:2013-01 Emission control - Plants for dry mechanical, physio-chemical, thermal and biological soil treatment
VDI 4650 Blatt 2:2013-01 (R2018) Simplified method for the calculation of the annual heating energy ratio and the annual gas utilisation efficiency of sorption heat pumps - Gas heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water
VDI 3822 Blatt 2.1.5:2013-01 Failure analysis - Defects of thermoplastic products caused by thermal stress
VDI 3839 Blatt 2:2013-01 (R2018) Instructions on measuring and interpreting the vibrations of machines - Vibration patterns for excitation arising from unbalance, incorrect assembly, bearing faults and damage to rotating components
VDI 4208 Blatt 1:2013-01 Requirements on bodies for emission monitoring at small firing installations - Bodies for the determination of emissions
VDI/VDE 5575 Blatt 8:2013-01 X-ray optical systems - Monochromator crystals
VDI 2358:2012-12 Wire ropes for mechanical handling equipment
VDI 2198:2012-12 Type sheets for industrial trucks
VDI 2895:2012-12 Organisation of maintenance - Maintenance as a task of management
VDI/VDE 3519 Blatt 1:2012-12 Level measurement - Fundamentals