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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
VDI 2067 Blatt 10:2013-09 (R2018) Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy demand for heating, cooling, humidification and dehuminification
VDI 4656:2013-09 Design and dimensioning of micro combined heat and power plants
VDI 6221 Blatt 1:2013-09 (R2018) Biomimetics - Biomimetic surfaces
VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Blatt 5.1:2013-09 Inspection of measuring and test equipment - Test instruction for straight edges
VDI/VDE 2631 Blatt 8:2013-09 Form measurement - Stability monitoring of form measuring systems
VDI 3349:2013-09 Trim steels for large stamping dies
VDI/VDE 2182 Blatt 3.1:2013-09 IT-security for industrial automation - Example of use of the general model for manufacturers in factory automation - Process control system of an LDPE plant
VDI 2330 Blatt 1:2013-09 Screw conveyors for bulk materials - General characterisation
VDI 2330 Blatt 2:2013-09 Screw conveyors for bulk materials - Design of horizontal and lightly inclined screw conveyors
VDI 2330 Blatt 3:2013-09 Screw conveyors for bulk materials - Design of vertical screw conveyors
VDI 3951:2013-09 Overview on relevant regulations on the performance of emission measurements
VDI 4230 Blatt 4:2013-09 Biological procedures to determine environmental impact (bioindication) - Passive biomonitoring with fishes as bioaccumulators - Sampling procedures