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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
UNE-ISO 15143-1:2012 Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery -- Worksite data exchange -- Part 1: System architecture
UNE-ISO 26000:2012 Guidance on social responsibility
UNE-ISO 10390:2012 Soil quality. Determination of pH.
UNE-ISO 369:2012 Machine tools -- Symbols for indications appearing on machine tools
UNE-ISO/IEC GUIA 99:2012 IN International vocabulary of metrology. Basics and general concepts and associated terms (VIM)
UNE-ISO/IEC GUIA 98-3:2012 IN Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)
UNE-ISO/IEC 24751-1:2012 Information technology. Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training. Part 1: Framework and reference model
UNE-ISO/IEC 24751-2:2012 'Information technology. Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training. Part 2: ''Access for all'' personal needs and preferences for digital delivery'
UNE-ISO/IEC 24751-3:2012 'Information technology. Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training. Part 3: ''Access for all'' digital resource description'
UNE-ISO 30300:2011 Information and documentation. Management system for records. Fundamentals and vocabulary .
UNE-ISO 30301:2011 Information and documentation. Management system for records. Requirements.
UNE-ISO/TR 13028:2011 IN Information and documentation. Implementation guidelines for digitization of records.