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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
IEEE 739-1984 IEEE Recommended Practice for Energy Conservation and Cost-Effective Planning in Industrial Facilities standard by IEEE, 11/05/1984
IEEE 746-1984 [ Withdrawn ] IEEE Standard for Performance Measurements of A/D and D/A Converters for PCM Television Video Circuits standard by IEEE, 10/15/1984
IEEE 251-1984 [ Withdrawn ] IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Direct-Current Tachometer Generators standard by IEEE, 09/28/1984
IEEE 618-1984 [ Withdrawn ] IEEE Standard Measurement of Luminance Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Video Magnetic-Tape Recording Systems standard by IEEE, 09/24/1984
IEEE 281-1984 IEEE Standard Service Conditions for Power System Communication Equipment standard by IEEE, 09/24/1984
IEEE 978-1984 IEEE Guide for In-Service Maintenance and Electrical Testing of Live-Line Tools standard by IEEE, 08/31/1984
IEEE 693-1984 IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Design of Substations standard by IEEE, 08/22/1984
IEEE 730-1984 IEEE Standard Software Quality Assurance Plans standard by IEEE, 08/09/1984
IEEE 91/91a-1984 IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions (Including and incorporating IEEE Std 91a-1991, Supplement to IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions) standard by IEEE, 07/13/1984
IEEE C37.30c-1984 IEEE Standard Definitions and Requirements for High Voltage Air Switches, Insulators, and Bus Supports Amendment by IEEE, 06/30/1984
IEEE C37.09c-1984 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis Amendment by IEEE, 06/30/1984
IEEE 387-1984 [ Withdrawn ] IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations standard by IEEE, 06/13/1984