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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
API Spec 19TT Specification for Downhole Well Test Tools and Related Equipment, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2016
API Std 598 Valve Inspection and Testing, Tenth Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2016
API Std 641 Type Testing of Quarter-turn Valves for Fugitive Emissions, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2016
API RP 781 Facility Security Plan Methodology for the Oil and Natural Gas Industries, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2016
API MPMS Chapter 17.4 Marine Measurement: Method for Quantification of Small Volumes on Marine Vessels (OBQ/ROB), Second Edition Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2016
API Spec 19AC Specification for Completion Accessories, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2016
API Std 602 Errata Errata to Gate, Globe, and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 (NPS 4) and Smaller for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries, Tenth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/2016
API Std 617 Errata 1 Errata 1 to Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors, Eighth Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2016
API RP 4G Addendum 1 Addendum 1 for Recommended Practice for Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Drilling and Well Servicing Structures, 4th Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2016
API TR 2574 Field Testing Protocol for Characterization of Total Gaseous Nonmethane Organics (TGNMO), Methane, and Ethane in Air-Vapor Mixture During Filling of a Cargo Vessel with Crude Oil, First Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2016
API MPMS Chapter 4.9.4 Errata 1 Errata 1 to Determination of the Volume of Displacement and Tank Provers by the Gravimetric Method of Calibration, First Edition Amendment by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2016
API RP 615 Valve Selection Guide, Second Edition standard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2016