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ATIS 0600010.03 2011 Edition, July 2011 Heat Dissipation Requirements...
GMW3402 (J) October 1, 2000 Procedure for Determining Soil and Cleaner Resistance of Automotive Textiles
GMW3028 (J) October 1, 2000 Pressure Die Cast Magnesium Alloys
GMW3029 (G) Revision A, October 1, 2000 Polyamide 6 - Glass Fiber Reinforced
GMW3208 (J) October 1, 2000 Rotary Abrasion Test - Taber Type -
GMW3010 (J) October 1, 2000 Determination of Tensile and Elongation Properties of Textile Materials - Modified Strip Method
GMW3387 (J) October 1, 2000 Procedure for Determining Fiber Degradation of Automotive Textiles